Thursday, March 13, 2008

Pride is an emotion of accomplishments.

Pride is an emotion which can refer to a strong sense of self-esteem or self-respect. Look in the mirror what do you see-if you do not have self-esteem where are you heading this day. Along this same line we look at self-respect to which one must possess to endure each day as without self-respect for ones self there is no respect for others either.

Self-esteem encompasses such beliefs as "I am competent" I can complete this accomplishment and with great pride I have completed that accomplishment. Have you experienced this feeling lately, you know you have, when you look in the mirror and you see the reflection of a shinning star because your most recent project was accomplished--this time, your blog is operational.

Self-respect, like self-esteem, is an emotion of Pride which refers to a strong sense of joy in the accomplishment of one's self or a person or group.

The accomplishments could fall in the following categories:
Pride is being a part of AMERICA
Pride is being a part of EDUCATION
Pride is being a part of MYVMTeam
Pride is being a part of QALIAS
Pride is having the greatest Team leader COACH COBB

Google me: W Pride